Anti-gambling crusader and a professor in university of Illinois, John Kindt continued to repeat falsehoods about online gambling on a radical religious website, hoping the readers would accept his declarations without fact-checking. John Kindt Friday as reasserting his statements about the mischief of online gambling. He supposedly versed in scientific objectivity and proper research methods, continued his personal criticism against gambling in general and online casinos in particular, despite evidence that he is obviously wrong.
"Online gambling is the crack cocaine of creating new addicted gamblers," says Kindt, a statement he repeats around the country on speaking tours, ignoring the accumulated data and researchers' conclusions that he is dead wrong.
According to R&D magazine has published an article in which John Kindt claims online gambling regulation could cause an economic crisis as bad as the sub-prime mortgage fall down. Professor John Kindt criticizes Barney Frank for attempting to tighten controls on Wall Street while laughing out of court him for trying to wipe off the restriction on the free market that constitutes the online gambling ban. In addition, John Kindt said that regulating online casinos would cause an enormous hazardous that burst on online gambling operators that would overflow, causing an even bad economic downturn.
However, Sociologist Joel Best has said an incorrect statistic is "harder to kill than a vampire." Armed with that knowledge, Kindt seems determined to continue uttering falsehoods in the belief that hearing them repeated will convince the general public of their truth.
"Online gambling is the crack cocaine of creating new addicted gamblers," says Kindt, a statement he repeats around the country on speaking tours, ignoring the accumulated data and researchers' conclusions that he is dead wrong.

However, Sociologist Joel Best has said an incorrect statistic is "harder to kill than a vampire." Armed with that knowledge, Kindt seems determined to continue uttering falsehoods in the belief that hearing them repeated will convince the general public of their truth.
But objective studies, confirmed by peer review, have found that online gambling is actually much less addicthive than land-based casino gambling. As Dr. Howard Shaffer admitted his two-year study at Harvard Medical School expected to find a high level of problem gambling among online players, but the actual evidence confirmed the opposite: online gambling is safer than other forms of betting.
But Professor John Kindt state under oath that his supposedly factual purpose is that online gambling is as bad as crack. John Kindt was one a few speakers trotted forth by the far right church group as a supposed scholar, is equally biased. He notes conclusions drawn by the National Gambling Impact Study Commission of 1999, a body composed of political rather than scientific appointees whose conclusions have been debunked by thousands of peer-reviewed studies in the decade since.
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